Professional Associations

The following links are professional associations involved with the accreditation and/or certification of programs, graduates within the fields of nursing and alternative nursing program options.


British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives

British Columbia College of Nurses & Midwives (BCCNM) is the professional body representing all nursing professions in British Columbia. BCCNM acts on behalf of nursing in order to advance the profession and influence health and social policy. 

CASN Logo 

Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing

CASN/ACESI  (Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing/Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières) is the national voice for nursing education, research, and scholarship and represents baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in Canada. 


Canadian Nurses Association

The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) is a federation of 11 provincial and territorial nurses' associations and colleges representing {C}139,893 registered nurses and nurse practitioners. CNA is the national professional voice of registered nurses, supporting them in their practice and advocating for healthy public policy and a quality, publicly funded, not-for-profit health system.

Canadian Nurses Student Assoc

Canadian Nurses Student Association

The Canadian Nursing Students Association (CNSA) is the voice of nursing students in Canada. For over thirty years, CNSA has represented the interests of nursing students to federal, provincial and international governments and other nursing and health care organizations.