Welcome to ‘Dodd’s Discoveries’, a review series from NativeDSD Senior Music Reviewer Bill Dodd. This series focuses on Bill’s latest selections, with new reviews regularly. And the best part… the albums featured in the most current review will be available at a reduced price! Click the button below to see all of Dodd’s Discoveries and to find the current album(s) on sale.
Czech Orchestral SongsHK$158.99 – HK$273.99
This lovely, haunting album of Czech orchestral songs is a real winner. It’s a followup to last year’s Folk Songs, winner of Album of the Year in the vocal category. This new one from Magdalena Kozena, backed by the Czech Philharmonic with Sir Simon Rattle conducting, is even more attractive to me because 14 of these art songs are from Bohuslav Martinu (1890-1959), a composer whose works I have fallen in love with over the last few years.
The peacefulness and beauty that flows from this album is amazing!
Martinu’s Nipponari, from 1910 were inspired by Japanese culture. He lived in Paris from 1923 until 1941 when war and politics caused him to move to the US. His Songs on One Page were written in the US.
I can’t begin to describe how much I enjoyed Magdalena Kozena’s marvelous voice and interpretations. Sir Simon is an excellent accompanist.

More wonderful songs follow from Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904), and two lesser-known composers, Hans Krasa (1899-1944) and Gideon Klein (1919-1945). Pentatone’s recording is up to their usual high standard. The booklet is very informative and well written.
Take a moment to sample it! Highly recommended!
Czech Orchestral SongsHK$158.99 – HK$273.99
Related works to explore:
Folk SongsHK$158.99 – HK$273.99
Martinu Cello SonatasHK$158.99 – HK$273.99
Fenetre sur le jardin, Czech music for piano soloHK$149.99 – HK$326.99