Four Fantasies: Scriabin, Schumann, Beethoven, Chopin

Anna Fedorova

(8 press reviews)
Original Recording Format: DSD 256
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Four Fantasies features the music of Scriabin, Schumann, Beethoven and Chopin played by pianist Anna Fedorova on Channel Classics. It is a DSD Exclusive, Not Available on SACD release.

We all have fantasies which we love to dive into. On this Album, I will be diving into the fantasy worlds of several of the most celebrated composers. In music, the ‘fantasie’ is one of the freest genres and each composer explores it in his own way.

For this Album I have chosen some of my favorites. The recording opens and closes with two fantasy-sonatas (‘Sonata quasi una Fantasia’ ). In it there is a beautiful symmetry, as well as a common ‘moonlight’ theme. In Beethoven’s case the name ‘Moonlight’ was given to his sonata op. 27 no. 2 posthumously by the German music critic and poet Ludwig Rellstab (and although Beethoven had no such intention for this, the name really stuck to it). As for Scriabin’s sonata it’s quite a different story. We know from his notes that he worked on the  piece during his honeymoon in Crimea and that he took his inspiration from a beautiful quiet night while sitting and admiring the sea view in the light of a full moon.

Of the two other fantasies on this album, the Fantasy op. 49 by Chopin, a piece which has been so long in my repertoire, is a most profound, powerful and  dramatic work. There is a deeply intense and powerful struggle for survival throughout the piece, starting with a marche funebre at the beginning, followed by a pure chorale-prayer in the middle and to close, a heavenly recitative of the soul.

The ‘central’ work on this recording is Schumann’s Fantasy op. 17, which I had been in love with long before I started playing it. Schumann wrote the first movement when he had fallen madly in love with Clara but couldn’t be with her because of her father’s objections. There is so much passion, tenderness, hope and frustration, agitation and calmness in this music. The second and third movements were composed somewhat later – the second being a celebration in a glorious and positive spirit, while the third travels to an extra dimension. It is simply the music of heaven.

All together the four fantasies make a really beautiful and varied program which I do hope everyone will enjoy!

Anna Fedorova, Pianist


Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.
Sonata No. 2 in G sharp Minor (Sonata-Fantasie) - Andante
Sonata No. 2 in G sharp Minor (Sonata-Fantasie) - Presto
Fantasie in F Minor Op. 49
Fantasie in C Major Op. 17 - Durchaus Fantastisch
Fantasie in C Major Op. 17 - Massig
Fantasie in C Major Op. 17 - Lansam getragen
Sonata quasi una Fantasia No. 14 (Moonlight) - Adagio sostenuto
Sonata quasi una Fantasia No. 14 (Moonlight) - Allegretto
Sonata quasi una Fantasia No. 14 (Moonlight) - Presto agitato

Total time: 01:12:15

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van Medevoort, Holland


Van Den Hul

Digital Converters

DSD Super Audio/Horus-256FSPyramix Editing/Merging Technologies

Executive Producers

Michiel Boreel, Nicholas l Lhasz, Stanislas Cozon, Shigeki Nakauchi, Anne Catuogno, Jerzy Czubak, Yann Rotaru Jacqui and Howard Schwartz, Jane and Walter Feddersen, Shanna Sullivan

Mastering Engineer

Jared Sacks


Bruel & Kjaer 4006, Schoeps

Mixing Board

Rens Heijnis, custom design


Original Recording Format


Jared Sacks

Recording Engineer

Jared Sacks

Recording location

Big Hall, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, The Netherlands (July 2018)

Recording Type & Bit Rate

DSD 256


Grimm LS1

Special Thanks To

Bart Rijckaert, Raul Ornelas, Alexei Borchevski, Richard S. Wright, Arjen te Nijenhuis, Natalya Goryacheva and to all anonymous donors.


Charles Rademaker

Release DateAugust 31, 2018

Press reviews

Positive Feedback

Subtle, graceful, nuanced—these were the first adjectives the popped into my mind as I listening to the opening of Anna Fedorava’s gorgeous performance of the Scriabin Sonatano with which this album begins. Then, as the music progressed: well judged dynamic contrasts, excellent shifts in tempo, delicacy coupled with power. (…) The whole of the album has a shimmering intensity. Fedorova grabs hold of one’s attention and does not release—a tremendously engaging recital from start to finish.

Audiophile Audition 4 out of 5

[Beethoven]: (…) Federova’s delivery of the arpeggiated, sequential chord literally shimmers with sensitive inflection, studied, thoughtful, and emotionally compelling, given the dreamy, improvisatory character of the first movement. (…) fortissimi and sforzati project a potent, unapologetic energy. Liquid runs, a defined bass line, and seamless roulades define a most gratifying rendition of perhaps the most over-performed of all piano sonatas, but here in refreshed figures.


A beautiful poetic narrative style. What is clear. The common thread (all fantasies) is not only thought through, the interpretations are the same.

Gramophone – High Fidelity Section

An exciting set of solo works played by Anna Feferova, captured with superb concert-hall atmosphere by Dutch label Channel Classics.


An exciting set of solo piano works played by Anna Fedorova, captured with superb concert-hall atmosphere by Dutch label Channel Classics.

Klassieke Zaken

Wenneke Savenije
Een welluidende ode aan de fantasie (…) Pianomuziek is haar moedertaal en die
natuurlijke vertrouwdheid met de piano geeft Fedorova de instrumentale vrijheid om
zich emotioneel helemaal onder te dompelen in de Four Fantasies op deze cd. (…)
Ook de verfijnde opnametechniek verdient alle lof.

De Gelderlander – 5 stars

Maarten-Jan Dongelmans
(…) Stemmingswisselingen en rijke kleurschakeringen worden optimaal in
kaart gebracht (…)
(…) Mood swings and rich color nuances are optimally performed (…)

Opus Klassiek

(…) de goed gedoseerde spanningsopbouw, de kleurenrijkdom die zij in haar spel legt, de fraaie fraseringen, de overtuigende agogiek, de pulserende ritmiek zonder nodeloos afleidende accenten en de dynamische proportionaliteit.

The well-dosed tension build-up, the richness of colors that she puts into her playing, the beautiful phrasing, the convincing agogics, the pulsating rhythm without unnecessary distracting accents and the dynamic proportionality.


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